Educational Methods & Psychometrics (EMP)

ISSN: 2943-873X

Purya Baghaei & 

Alexander Robitzsch



Purya Baghaei & Alexander Robitzsch

Keywords: Multiple-group item response theory (MGIRT), RMSD, partial invariance, Haberman linking method, Stocking-Lord linking method


Multiple-group item response theory (MGIRT) is the standard psychometric model for the analysis of large-scale assessments in education. In this tutorial, a short nontechnical introduction to MGIRT is first provided. Second, the R package TAM and the included relevant functions to estimate MGIRT are introduced and applied to a small data set from the science assessment of TIMSS 2019 for Grade 8. Specifically, the following techniques are illustrated: the estimation of population parameters, analysis of differential item functioning (DIF; also referred to as non-invariance), and linking under full non-invariance. The hands-on training in this walkthrough enables researchers to estimate MGIRT with TAM and interpret the outputs confidently. 




Vol. 3,2025

